Support A2CT


As a non-profit organization, we rely on donations from our members, patrons, performers, and community partners to remain a fixture in the theatre community of southeast Michigan.

Your tax-deductible donations to allow us to continue to our mission of providing opportunities for members of the community to participate in theatre and all that it entails.

When you shop through our iGive link, donate a used car through Charity Motors, or purchase an item through our wishlist, the proceeds go a long way towards supporting Ann Arbor Civic Theatre. Consider utilizing these ways to give back to A2CT today!


Ann Arbor Civic Theatre began in 1929 with the casual staging of shows in members' homes, simply for the love of theatre. As an amateur organization, this love of theatre is paramount to us, and still evident in our members. We rely on our members not only to shape the organization, but for financial support as well. Your membership donation is devoted to everyday costs (such as heat, water, AC, and more.) Please consider becoming a member with A2CT and be a part of Ann Arbor History!

Members receive the following benefits:

Voting Rights

Complimentary Drink at the Annual Meeting

Ability to participate in one show; reduced participant fee for subsequent shows

One complimentary ticket for the shows you are participating in

Membership Tiers

  • Member - $50

  • Household - $100

  • Star - $250

  • Director - $500

  • Producer - $1000

  • Benefactor - $2500

  • Angel - $5000


Sponsorships provide opportunities for businesses and individuals to give back to the community all while helping to maintain the integrity of artistic life in Ann Arbor. A2CT offers companies exposure to thousands of audience members with a generous marketing package, employee engagement opportunities, and premium backstage access. Whether using marketing or philanthropic dollars, you donation could be tax deductible. For more information about how to sponsor a season, show, workshop, specific program, or something new, email us.

Get Involved

A2CT relies on the community to support our mission.  Ann Arbor Civic Theatre is an IRS Approved 501(C)3 non-profit organization. Our daily activities and programs only account for 45% of our operating budget. We look to local partnerships and donors to help raise the rest. With your support, we are able to keep programs such as Junior Theatre, A2CT Technical Theatre Troupe, and unique workshops/classes available for years to come. Please consider helping support A2CT in its growth. 


A2CT is always looking for new volunteers! Ann Arbor Civic Theatre has been producing shows for 90 years. Even more incredible - nearly all of the people who have kept A2CT going all those decades are volunteers! It takes more than just a cast to put on an excellent production; we need friendly ushers and a talented crew to make the magic happen. Whether you've got a lengthy resume or this is your first production, we'd love to hear from you! Fill out our volunteer form to be contacted about open positions or sign up for the email list to become an usher!

In-Kind and Item Donations

A2CT graciously accepts in-kind donations. We actively seek donations year-round for cast parties, events, and shows . If you work at a company that has an interest in donating valuable time, products, services, or space to help us make theatre experiences available to all backgrounds, age, abilities, and professions, please email us.

Please make an appointment to drop of your items by calling 734.971.2228

Endowment Fund

A2CT maintains an endowment fund with the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation and always welcomes investment. Your legacy gift made through the AAACF is held in perpetuity, guaranteeing that your support will help to cover costs for generations to come. As easy as discussing and finalizing your future plans with us, you can know that A2CT is being helped currently and forever. You may contact the AAACF directly at 734-663-0401 or email us.